
Monday, 25 February 2013

Bullies Exposed

Just as you think your life is turned around and every things on track, bullies resurface and ruin all the foundations I've built to beat my anxiety. And they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

Today I had an interview at the University of West Scotland and was extremely nervous.  But I got through it and it went really well. So afterwards I was on cloud nine, so happy! But then I come home to social network bullies. There's just no need for it. I was in a good place in my life, controlling my anxiety from the last time I got bullied. I thought I was 'safe' and Facebook  being friends with people that I thought had moved on from childish and petty arguments from the past. But I was clearly wrong. When I arrived home today and logged on to Facebook this was waiting for me.....
It may not seem much to you, but to me its emotionally painful. My type of anxiety means that I have strong need to be liked, so clearly having bullies is a rock solid fact that they don't like me. And then you have to factor in that they're judging my relationship (falsely but that not the point). I'm incredible happy with my boyfriend of nearly three years, and I know that comment was made because he's jealous. He's got all his facts wrong so is talking shit; I'm not taking sixth form for a second time, I don't shit stir, and most definitely did not make any comments towards their relationship. And even more to the point, I didn't do a single thing nor did I say anything offensive to 'Baz' or his girlfriend(my ex-best friend).  I have reported this post to Facebook and blocked all people that got involved in taunting in the comment's.

By this point you're probably wondering how this all started. Well I'm not going into the whole two year feud between me and my ex-best friend, but this particular incident happened like this...

This Saturday just gone I babysat for to gorgeous little girls, Blossom (2) and Jaz(6). Little Blossom had my phone and unbeknown to me accidentally rang 'Baz'. This then prompted him to ring me, I ignored it twice as I had no interest in talking to him as I don't like him. But he rang another two times so I answered  to which he just said 'hello' repeatedly, I saw this as a prank call and told him to leave me alone. He claims this to not be the case but I wasn't sure, he then proceeded to text me; 'fuck off weirdo', because I refused to reply to his messages. This was the first piece of abuse I received.
After this I then (as most people my age would do) vented my confusion of twitter, of which none of the people involved follow me, however somehow they saw it? Doesn't make sense right?? My tweet read....

This was all I said, nothing else, nothing to provoke anyone. But then I got a message off a friend telling me to look at their twitter profiles (which I don't follow), because they were apparently bitching about me. This is what I found... (I'm not hiding names because it's available for the public to view anyway)

This being the first time anyone had mentioned I rang him first, which then made me realise Blossom had done it.
To which her best friend replied...

And then 4 others retweeted this.
More comments appeared, without any response from me whatsoever.

All pretty uncalled for comments considering I haven't done a single thing and was still utterly confused about the whole thing at this point. So this then prompted me to eventually say something, I needed to know what the hell was going on and calmly and kindly say that their comments were unreasonable. So I had to message my ex-bestfriend.....

I personally think everything I said is fair and not aggressive or 'shit stirring' or 'making their relationship difficult'. I just wanted to explain so that they realised it was a huge misunderstanding. But none of them could be adult about the situation and carried on today when i thought that message would resolve it. I didn't expect nor want a reply from Emily but she did.....

I thought this was a fairly reasonable response and I thought it was the end of the whole ridiculous situation. Although she has clearly shown no remorse to her harsh comments. The 'started having a go at him' bit is utter rubbish as I've shown you what I said, which was not said with offence nor was directed at him. And then she has the nerve to say 'maybe everyone should learn not to post things on twitter', but yet she continued to post the things I previously showed you, bit hypocritical right? So after she sent this I though, 'right its over now all sorted'. But that's not true, as I came home from an extremely exhausting day to a Facebook status viscously aimed at me.

So now they've been blocked out of my life on every social networking site possible. But the emotional damage they have caused me is going to need fixing again. I have start building u my confidence and take down my social barriers  My anxiety has rocketed back up within the space of 48 hours thanks to these insensitive people, and that's the part that's most frustrating. Bullies shouldn't get away with this kind of thing, no matter how small the abuse may be, its still bullying.

This kind of this is not condonable but I can handle it.
Many people cant.
They need your help!

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