
Friday, 26 July 2013

Youtubers Galore

Okay. So. If you're not into Youtube, let me tell you now, you are missing out! If you're not adding 'anya' to the end of words or hazing the crap out of new viewsers and Grace facing in photos, then get your sorry but to Youtube to become educated. There are SO MANY great Youtubers to watch, most of which are from America but Britain in taking Youtube by storm this year and dominating. So lets get down to what you reeeally want to know. Who the hell are they?! Well here's just a few of my favourites!

JacksGap - twins Jack and Finn Harries (travel, comedy, everyday life)
DailyGrace- Grace Helbig (comedy) 
SprinkleOfGlitter- Louise Pentland (Beauty, fashion & everyday life)
MarcusButlertv- Marcus Butler (comedy, everyday life)
FluerDeForce (Beauty guru, fashion & everyday life)
Zoella- Zoe Sugg (Beauty guru, fashion & everyday life)
PointlessBlogtv- Alfie Deyes (comedy, everyday life)
Joey Graceffa (Daily vlogs)
MissGlamorazzi- Ingrid Nilson (Beauty guru, fashion & everyday life)
ItsKingsleyBitch- Kingsley (comedy/entertainment)
Jim Chapman- (entertainment, everyday life)
ThatcherJoe- Joe Sugg (entertainment, vlogs)
KalelKitten- Kalel Cullen (Beauty guru, fashion,art,gamer & everyday life)
Smosh- Anthony Padilla (gamer, entertainment)
dicasp- Caspar Lee (comedy)
Sam Pepper (comedy, pranks, travel, entertainments & vlogs)
Kaelyn and Lucy- Long distance couple
Shane Dawson (comedy)
Oli White (comedy, entertainment)
RoseEllenDix- Rose and Rosie (comedy)
FunForLoius / FoodForLoius- Loius Cole (travel, entertainment)
Tanya Burr (Beauty guru, fashion & everyday life)
Tyler Oakley (comedy)
Sawyer Hartman (art, film, photographer,entertainment & everyday)
Carrie Fletcher (comedy & everyday)


Happy Anniversary

Its my 3 year anniversary this Sunday so I thought before my busy weekend begins I'd share a little something to celebrate. I love you my angel.